Following a highly successful debut in 2021, CK Star Entertainment’s original concert series, “This is Live!” is slated to return in October 2023.
The concert series was first initiated to answer the call for those who have been yearning for the ‘offline’, ‘tangible’, ‘in-person’ and ‘in-the-moment’ experience that only live gigs can provide, especially following the global pandemic. This year’s series also wishes to shine a spotlight on four talented female voices, three of which will be making their debut live performance in Singapore through the “This is Live!” stage. Concert goers will get to enjoy intimate and stirring performances that will delight the senses.
This year’s edition, titled “This is Live! 之 Chill Hi 嗨 音乐趴”, will feature accomplished Mandopop stars 孙盛希 (Shi Shi Sun), 曾沛慈 (Pets Tseng), and Kimberley 陈芳语 featuring Jocelyn 9.4.0 accompanied by live bands consisting of established local musicians. The concerts, each spanning 90 minutes, take place on three days: 12, 13, and 14 October 2023, 7.30PM at Capitol Theatre.
The live concert series will kick off on 12 October 2023 (Thursday) with 孙盛希 (Shi Shi Sun), an established singer, composer, and producer. Shi Shi Sun won the Best Mandarin Album Award in the 30th Golden Melody Awards in 2019 and the Best Vocal Recording Album Award in the 32nd Golden Melody Awards in 2021. Her most prominent hit, “Someday or One Day” (2019) for the popular TV series “想见你” [“Xiang Jian Ni”], won the Asian Television Award for the Best Theme Song, with over 10 million plays.
曾沛慈 (Pets Tseng) will take the stage on 13 October 2023 (Friday). The singer marked her successful debut in 2007 by placing sixth on the Taiwanese singing competition program, “One Million Star”. She also made her television debut 2 years later. Singaporean audiences may recognise her from the 2019 Singapore-Taiwan drama “All Is Well”. The talented singer-actress has captivated fans by excelling at both in her long-standing career and her Weibo followers standing at 2.56 million is testament to this.
The three-day event will conclude on 14 October 2023 (Saturday) with Kimberley 陈芳语, a multi-talented musician and champion of uniqueness and individuality. The influential artist is a true musical chameleon who has dabbled in various genres from hip-hop to R&B. Her popularity skyrocketed after participating in the 2017 Chinese talent show “Produce 101”, where she became one of the most popular contestants, racking up over 4 billion views online.
Her performance will be supported by rising talent Jocelyn 9.4.0 from the same label, an expressive singer who gained a following on Instagram for her creative covers of trending songs, generating over 614K views, and counting. Her collaboration with KIRE for the song “Can I Call You Now” (2022) has also gained 384.5K streams on Spotify till date.
“This is Live! 之 Chill Hi 嗨 音乐趴” is your chance to get up close and personal with these powerful and dynamic artists. Bring your friends and family along for 3 nights of fantastic live performances, positive vibes, and a good time — not to be missed!
CK Star Entertainment 原创演唱会系列“This is Live!”2021年初次登场并取得热烈回响,全新系列将于2023年10月华丽回归!
今年登场的全新系列名为“This is Live 之Chill Hi 嗨 音乐趴”,精彩演出阵容包括人气实力女声孙盛希、曾沛慈和Kimberley陈芳语(Jocelyn 9.4.0特别演出),她们将接力登场与众多杰出本地乐手们碰撞出最燃炸嗨翻的Live音乐火花。这场演出时长90分钟的音乐趴为期三天,分别在2023年10月12日、13日及14日,晚上7时30分,于首都剧院(Capitol Theatre)热力引爆。
“This is Live 之Chill Hi 嗨 音乐趴”演唱会系列将由金曲创作女声孙盛希于10月12日(星期四)率先登场打头阵。孙盛希分别于2019年及2021年凭借《希游记》与《出没地带 Where is SHI ?》这两张别具个人风格特色的专辑,接连两次夺下金曲“最佳国语专辑奖”和“最佳演唱录音专辑奖”,一跃成为新一代金曲唱作小天后,以其独特的“希式唱腔”在华语乐坛独领风骚。被誉为“OST女神”的她为台湾浪漫穿越神剧《想见你》所创作的主题曲《Someday or One Day》也荣获第25届亚洲电视大奖“最佳电视剧主题曲”,网路播放量更是超过千万次。
Kimberley陈芳语将在这场为期三天的“This is Live 之Chill Hi 嗨 音乐趴”压轴登场。这名个性十足的酷炫女声拥有超强唱功与独特音色,舞台表演自有一股与生俱来的爆发力。以《爱你》作为经典代表作的她音乐风格丰富多变,能精准掌握嘻哈、R&B等各种曲风。陈芳语于2017年参与总播放量超过43亿的中国女团选秀节目《创造101》后人气暴增,作为最受欢迎的实力练习生之一的她演唱实力与舞台魅力兼具,圈粉无数。
Kimberley陈芳语同门师妹 Jocelyn 9.4.0将特别登场力挺师姐。被视为“Z世代潮流女声”的她凭台湾歌唱选秀节目《声林之王3》脱颖而出,并以创意翻唱多首人气夯曲在Instagram爆红。她与新生代创作才子KIRE凯尔去年合作推出的对唱曲《Can I Call You Now》在Spotify也取得了约385万次的播放量。
您将能在 “This is Live 之Chill Hi 嗨 音乐趴”演唱会系列与这些实力超狂的人气女声近距离接触,感受她们音乐现场的强大感染力。与你的乐迷好友们相约共度连续三晚热力引爆的音乐趴,享受“乐”来越精彩的燃炸氛围感,万勿错过!